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Kendra ZerfasAlthough we are grateful for the work of our educators day in and day out, during the month of May, which is Teacher Appreciation Month, we offer a salute to educators who are making an impact in our District and in turn, the world.
Kendra Zerfas teaches Art at Belmont Elementary.
“Mrs. Zerfas represents Belmont Elementary School as an outstanding professional,” said a colleague. “Whether instructing in a classroom, in a cafeteria, or on a portable cart, Mrs. Zerfas' energetic and enthusiastic spirit shines through in radiant rainbow colors. Her vivid paint bucket motif in her classroom with overflowing chiffon paint splashes defines her colorful nature. Her personality style of facing life challenges with grit and grace are seen in her delightful art projects blending an endless mix of materials and methods to capture students’ energy and attention.
“Colleagues and parents are spellbound at the professional array of student artwork, which ultimately reflects her highly effective classroom management. Incorporating music as an overlay to her lessons yields a more inviting and interactive multisensory experience for our children.
“She creatively crafts school-wide Art themes and projects designed to include family participation, whether it be carnivals, fundraisers, seasonal holidays, national holidays, open house, or local events, such as State Fair parades.
“Her authentic sense of humor contributes to the overall warmth and well-being of our Belmont school community. Considering the multitude of tasks she oversees, Mrs. Zerfas exemplifies a unique 'grace under fire' kind of poise and resiliency that reflects her Pueblo hometown upbringing.”
Thank you, Kendra, for your tireless efforts in bringing the joy of creation to our children.