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The RISE (Response, Innovation and Student Equity) Grant supports high-needs school districts, charter schools, and public institutions of higher education to address the learning challenges related to the economic, social, and health impacts of COVID-19.
The goal is to create sustainable innovations that improve student learning, close equity gaps, and enhance operational efficiency for pre-K-12 through higher education.
In a joint effort with four school districts, District 60 received a $1.2 million RISE Grant from the Governor’s office.
With the District serving as the grant recipient, the partnership involves Alamosa School District, Greeley Adams 6, Denver Public Schools and District 51 (Mesa County.)
This week, the District is hosting representatives from the four partner districts, along with representatives of the Colorado Education Initiative, Colorado Department of Education, the Colorado Statewide Family Engagement Center and other agencies, to share information and best practices so that the grant funds can be maximized.
“Hosting our partner school districts is an opportunity that will allow the District to show itself as a leader in this grant process,” noted Andy Burns, the District’s Executive Director of Student Support Services who spearheaded the grant-writing process.
The Colorado Statewide Family Engagement Center has partnered with the Colorado Education Initiative, the Colorado Department of Education, the Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition, and the Black Parent Network to build the capacity of families, schools, and communities to address learning recovery and related impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as implement practices and systems to improve student development and family well-being.
Of special significance are K-3 reading loss, student mental health, disengagement of high school students, and adult education.
It is a goal of the coalition to dramatically rethink ways to design new, innovative approaches to education and bolster district and school-based systems to create equity of opportunity for students.