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Parent Nights

Parent nights and school choice

A teacher at Pueblo Academy of Arts with a student

Are you a parent of a 5th or 8th-grader, and you were invited to a “Parent Night” for a different school?

Those events may seem like “orientations” and you might get the impression that, by being at a "Parent Night," your child is already enrolled in that school. That is not the case. Parent Nights are intended to be give you an opportunity to learn more about what a school has to offer, but no actual enrollment or transfer takes place.

If you’re a parent of a 5th or 8th grader about to move up to a new middle or high school, the only school in which you’re guaranteed a place is in your neighborhood school

What is my ‘neighborhood school’?

In 2019, boundary maps were re-drawn so it’s important for all incoming students entering the 6th or 9th grades to know what their neighborhood school is. If you’re unsure of your neighborhood school, you can find out by checking our attendance area boundary maps

For example, imagine your child is an eighth-grade student at Risley Academy. Risley students don’t all live in the same high school attendance. Some are expected at East High School, while others will have seats reserved for them at Centennial or Central.

So for example, if you’re a parent of a Risley student, attended a Parent Night at East High School, and you live somewhere on the north side of the city, your child is probably expected at Centennial next year. Your presence at the East Parent Night means nothing about your child’s enrollment.  You will have the opportunity to fill out an online School Choice application there, if you haven’t already done so.

So, that’s why finding out where your child is supposed to go is the first step.

What if I was impressed during a school’s ‘parent night’ and don’t want to go to my neighborhood school?

If you would like to put in a School Choice application, you can get started by clicking the "Begin School Choice Application" link on this page.

If you have further questions, contact the District 60 School Choice team at (719) 253-6014 or


Incoming 6th/9th graders


Incoming Kindergarteners


Transferring into D60


High School Athletic Transfers


Parent nights


Application preferences


Will I need to re-apply?