Parents, please make sure that your students' contact information is up-to-date! If you change an address or phone number, please call our Data Entry office at 719-423-3830, to have your student's information updated. Out-of-date information could mean we are unable to reach you in an emergency, or that you will not receive our automated phone calls, Remind messages, etc.


    Parents, please call the main office in the morning if your student will be absent that day. If your student needs to leave for an appointment during the day, please call early so that we can get a pass to them. Students must have a pass in order to leave the building before the school day ends. The number to report absences, tardies, or excuses is 719-549-7335.


    Students arriving late are unexcused unless a parent calls BEFORE the tardy occurs. Students who are habitually tardy will be assigned detention.
    Have a question? Call the main office at 719-549-7335  or send us an email at centennial@pueblod60.org