Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP)
Each and every student will graduate from Pueblo School District 60 with the knowledge, skills and career plan that will lead to postsecondary education or directly into the workforce. To accomplish that goal, an Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is used to help guide middle and high school students.
ICAP is the vehicle by which Colorado students explore the world beyond high school and reflect their understanding and plan for these next steps. ICAP is also a tool that reflects how a student’s Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR) is achieved, accomplished and understood.
Beginning in 6th grade, Pueblo School District 60 students begin their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP). The ICAP, prescribed by the Colorado Department of Education, is designed to create a roadmap for secondary school (middle and high school) students toward graduation and prepares students for postsecondary and workforce readiness (PWR).
An ICAP is a plan for students in grades 6‐12 that provides a framework for students to see the connections between school coursework and activities in relation to their future career and postsecondary goals. The ICAP:
- Connects student strengths, interests, passions, and goals for their future.
- Provides postsecondary exploration to include information about military career options, trade and technical educational opportunities, and a variety of two‐year and four‐year educational programs at collegiate institutions.
- Creates independent students who create a vision for their future