Truancy & Absences
What is 'truancy' and what does D60 do about it?
Parents often wonder what is considered an "excused absence" or an "unexcused absence." It's easy to be misinformed about the difference between the two, and what qualifies as an excused or unexcused absence.
The same is true for the term "truancy." It's not just a word for a student who is skipping school - there are rules, procedures and laws in place to define when a student is "truant" or "habitually truant," and what to do about it.
Classifying a student as a 'habitual truant' requires interventions designed to get the child back in school. A student will be considered a “habitual truant” if he or she has:
- four total days of unexcused absences from school in any one month
- 10 total days of unexcused absences during any school year
Note: Absences due to suspension or expulsion shall not be counted in the total of unexcused absences for purposes of defining a student as “habitually truant.”