Substance Abuse
Pueblo School District 60 promotes a healthy environment for students by providing education, support and decision-making skills in regard to alcohol, drugs and other controlled substances and their abuse.
In addition to educating students about the harms of controlled substances, District 60 has partnered with community organizations in Pueblo to help students with issues related to drug abuse and its consequences.
Through those partnerships, alongside disciplinary procedures outlined in the Student Content & Discipline Code, District 60 endeavors to support students and families confronted by substance abuse.
Community partners & Resources
To provide support for students, District 60 has partnered with Health Solutions and State of Grace Counseling. Those organizations provide substance abuse and mental health counseling outside of the school setting.
Prevention and Intervention for Substance Abuse
Per the Student Content & Discipline Code, the possession and/or sale of drugs at school is grounds for interventions, suspension, expulsion, and possibly criminal charges by law enforcement.
However, students struggling with substance abuse, or impacted by substance abuse by others in the home, are encouraged to reach out to school counselors to seek resources without danger of discipline.
For specific questions about District resources and discipline procedures related to drug abuse, contact the District 60 School Culture, Wellness and Safety office at (719) 549-7285.