Healthy Garden Bars
Healthy Garden Bars
D60 Foodworks is proud to share the success of our healthy garden bars and how they have contributed to getting students to eat more fruits and vegetables every day at school. Students have shown that when offered multiple fruit and vegetable choices, they respond by trying new items, incorporating greater variety into their diets, and increasing their daily consumption of fruits and vegetables.
School garden bars are an effective strategy to increase children’s fruit and vegetable consumption, promote healthier eating habits and meet the healthy nutrition standards for school lunch.
There are many benefits of garden bars in schools, and they extend beyond the healthy foods consumed during the breakfast or lunch hour. Increased daily access to a variety of fruits and vegetables provides a personal experience about choices that can shape behavior far beyond the school lunch line. Children learn to make decisions that carry over outside of school, providing a platform for a lifetime of healthy snack and meal choices.
Menus at Pueblo D60 are planned using the Assisted Nutrient Standard Menu Planning System. The district offers a variety of meal choices and guarantees all menus meet federal and state nutritional standards. We work to keep sodium, fat, and cholesterol low and fiber, vitamins, and minerals high while still offering foods that kids love. Beyond nutrients, you will notice whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and vegetarian options on our menus.
Every day we offer multiple entrée choices at lunch. Every child also has the option of fat-free or 1% milk and a trip through the salad/fruit bar. As part of encouraging healthy eating and activity, we supply nutrition education on our digital menus each month and encourage our students to “pick five” every day.
- Community Eligible Provision Program (CEP)
- School Health Services Medicaid Program
- Non-discrimination statement
- D60 Nutrition Services Department Civil Rights Complaint Policy