Q. Am I guaranteed a certain number of hours? Do I have to work a certain number of hours?
A. A substitute teacher has no minimum number of hours. There is also no guaranteed number of hours. Pueblo School District 60 has many schools and there are enough requests for a substitute teacher to work most student contact days. Although hours are limited to comply with PPACA regulations, substitute support staff are encouraged to work as many days as possible.
Q. How can I check my school preferences to make sure they are set correctly?
A. From the Absence Management System home screen, click on the preferences tab. Select “schools”. Then, place a checkmark next to each school at which you would like to work as a sub.
Q. An employee indicated he/she assigned me to a job and I showed up for the job. However, another substitute also showed up for the job. Why did this happen?
A. When checking your assignments, make sure the job is under your job assignments. If there is no job number under your job assignments the job has not been assigned to you. The employee may have erroneously put the job out for callout and the job was picked up by another substitute.
Q. If a substitute was requested for a job and another substitute shows up for the same job, who gets the job?
A. The substitute who accepted the job via the Automated System is assigned the job and works the assignment.
Q. I showed up for a job and was told the job was cancelled. Why wasn’t I notified?
A. If the employee cancels their job, the Automated System does attempt to contact you during the next call-out period. However, you may not have been available to take the call and therefore, did not receive notification that the job was canceled. We recommend that on the morning of your assignment, you check by either calling or going online to the Automated System to review your job assignments. If the job is not assigned to you then the job was canceled.
Q. What designates a half day assignment?
A. A half day is any assignment that is 4 hours or less.
Q. What does it mean to be “Highly Qualified”
A. To be considered highly qualified, you must have an endorsement in the content area that you are teaching, have 24 college semester hours in that content area, or have passed the PLACE/Praxis Exam for the content area.
Q. How long can a substitute teacher work the same job if he/she is not highly qualified?
A. You can work in a job up to eleven (11) days. You must be highly qualified to work in the same job for more than 11 days.
Q. When/How often will I get paid?
A. Substitute employees get paid on the last day of the month. If the last day falls on a weekend, pay day would be the last working day of the week.
Q. I believe my paycheck is incorrect. What do I do?
A. Make sure the jobs you worked fall within the correct pay period. If you feel there is an error, call the Substitute Help Desk (719) 549-7139.
Q. I need a list of all the jobs I worked during the school year. How can I access this information?
A. You can access this information via the Automated System. You can run a report for the period you are looking for.