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Sick Leave Bank

Sick Leave Bank

The Sick Leave Bank (SLB) is a benefit available to all full-time employees at Pueblo School District 60.  New members donate a day of excused leave to join. Members of the SLB can draw up to 30 days of paid leave in the event of a qualifying medical emergency. The Sick Leave Bank Board voted to end a moratorium that has been in place for 6 years.  For the 2024-2025 school year all employees who wish to remain a member, or who wish to join the sick leave bank must fill out an enrollment form and submit it to the payroll department during the month of September. If you are brand new to the District and have already completed the form during onboarding, you do not need to complete another.  

Complete the enrollment form and return to the payroll office within 30 days of hire or from the start of school until the end of September to join the Sick Leave Bank.

When a medical emergency happens and you're out of paid leave, complete this form and return it to HR to begin the process and request up to 30 days of paid leave.