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Retirement (PERA)

Public Employees' Retirement Association
Employees of Pueblo School District 60 participate in the Colorado Retirement System - Public Employees' Retirement Association (PERA)

The retirement system offered through PERA is a defined benefit pension funded through both employer and employee contribution.  In 2024-25 school year, Pueblo School District 60 makes a contribution equal to 21.4% of an employee's salary to PERA.  In addition, the employee is required to pay an additional 11.00% of their salary to the system.  These contributions provide for an excellent retirement program.  The district contribution rates for Pueblo School District 60 and employees will change annually as dictated by PERA.

Yearly Contribution %                    

Current - 21.4%

Current - 11.00%

Regular Retirement
E-mail or call Pam Lucero, Benefits Manager, at (719) 549-7132, for more information regarding timelines and procedures

Disability Retirement

Call the Colorado PERA Disability Program at 1-800-759-7372

PERACare is a health benefits program that helps meet the insurance need of our retirees. They offer plans for retirees and their dependents.  Members can enroll in PERACare within 30 days of their retirement. The actual open enrollment period for PERACARE, is October 1 - November 15 for January 1 effective coverage.  For more information, click here.

Questions regarding the Colorado Retirement System may be directed to:

Public Employees' Retirement Association of Colorado

1300 Logan Street

Denver, CO. 80203

(303) 837 6250 or (800) 759-7372