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Early Access

Early Access

Colorado House Bill 1021 provides the legislation necessary to allow highly advanced gifted students who are age four by October 1 to begin kindergarten, or age five by October 1 to begin first grade if it is found that the student qualifies as both highly gifted and developmentally ready to begin school early. 

Please note that this option pertains to a small percentage of gifted students who score in the top 3% on both achievement and cognitive tests and require grade-level acceleration. The early access process includes a portfolio and if appropriate, the administration of achievement and cognitive assessments.  Portfolios will be accepted up through the end of March, testing administered during April.  Decisions made by our Early Access committee concerning eligibility will occur by May 1.   

Parents who are interested in the early access option need to contact the District 60 Gifted and Talented office at (719) 549-7284 and/or request an application packet via an online form. The link to the online form will be available on this page from February 1–March 31 of each year. The window for requesting an application opens on February 1 and closes March 31 of each year.  The packet includes requirements for submitting a student portfolio.  A pre-application conference will be scheduled.

INTENT TO APPLY form for 2025-2026 (this link will be live from February 1-March 31, 2025)