Advanced Learning Plan (ALP)
Once a student is formally identified as a gifted learner, the education team, along with the student and parents, will meet to develop an Advanced Learning Plan (ALP). The plan will be reviewed on a yearly basis and will contain academic and affective goals and strategies to assist the student in achieving academic excellence.
Students who transfer into Pueblo School District 60 and have been identified gifted in his/her previous district will have the Advanced Learning Plan reviewed and developed within 45 schools days of start date and communication with parents/guardians will occur within 60 days of how Pueblo School District 60 will meet the needs of the student.
To ensure a student is challenged academically and is being provided a curriculum that meets the needs of his/her area(s) of giftedness, various programming options may be provided. These may include:
- Grouping
- Critical thinking skills development
- Subject-based extensions and acceleration
- Social/Emotional Guidance
- Post-Secondary Readiness
- Advanced Placement/Honor/Senior-to-Sophomore Courses
- Concurrent Enrollment
- International Baccalaureate
- Mentorships
- Internships
- Competitions/Contests
- Leadership Opportunities
The Right of Appeal
If there is a disagreement with an identification, Advanced Learning Plan, or programming decision, a right of appeal is available. A parent, student, teacher, or administrator may initiate the appeal process by notifying the building GT coordinator. The applicant will then meet with the building administrator and gifted/talented coordinator to review data, introduce additional information, and decide on a further course of action. The superintendent will be part of the appeal process and make the final decision. Parents will be notified of the final decision through written communication within 15 school days.