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Achievement of At-Risk Students (Title I)

Title I, Part A

Title I, Part A is the largest federal program supporting both elementary and secondary education. The program's resources are allocated based upon the poverty rates of students enrolled in schools and districts and are designed to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards.

The purpose of Title I, Part A is to provide resources to schools and districts to ensure that all children have a fair, equitable, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and close educational achievement gaps.

Title I, Part A is intended to support Districts in:

  • Improving teaching by promoting effective instruction for at-risk children and for enriched and accelerated programs;
  • Expanding eligibility of schools for schoolwide programs that serve all children;
  • Encouraging school-based improvement planning;
  • Establishing accountability based on results;
  • Promoting meaningful parent and family engagement;
  • Coordinating with health and social services agencies;
  • Focusing resources on the schools with the highest percentage of students living in poverty.

District Title I Staff

Donna Crawford
Director of Federal Programs

Link to Colorado Department of Education for more information