Federal Programs
Federal Programs/Title I
The Federal Programs department supports the District's federal grant funding including Title I, Title II, Title III, and Title IV. These grants are funded as a result of the Elementary and Secondary Eduction Act (ESEA) to provide assistance to Districts and schools with high percentages of students from low-income families to help ensure that all students meet challenging state academic standards. Title I also provides assistance to students whose families are experiencing homelessness as a part of the McKinney-Vento Act. Use of this funding supports the vision, goals, and values of the District Strategic Plan.
Parents, guardians, and community members can be a part of the planning for the use of school specific allocated funds by participaiting on the School Accountablity Committee (SAC) or Family Engagement Committee. Parents, guardians, and community members can be a part of the planning for the use of district allocated funds by participating on the District Accountability Committee (DAC).
Contact Us
Donna Crawford
Director of Federal Programs
(719) 549-7168
Nicole Cera Cano
Homeless Liaison
(719) 423-3521
Gerri Elizondo
Federal Programs Accounting Assistant
(719) 549-7165