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District 60 Facility Rentals

Pueblo School District 60’s Board of Education makes certain facilities available for community use after regular school program hours. Fees are charged to recover the cost of extra use of the District’s facilities.

Steps for Renting a District Facility

  1. Read and be familiar with the regulations and guidelines for renting a Pueblo School District 60 Facility.
  2. Check with school to verify availability of facilities.
  3. Submit a Facility Use Application to the school.
  4. The school will validate availability and forward request to the facilities management office.
  5. Facilities Management will apply the appropriate fees, coordinate services, and confirm arrangements via e-mail confirmation and/or phone.
  6. Pay appropriate fees and provide insurance documentation no less than two weeks prior to the rental date.

Your request is only final when the above steps are complete:

  • Current insurance is in place showing Pueblo School District 60 as insured (with a hard copy on file in Facilities Office)
  • Schedule is approved and active
  • Payment has been received in Facilities Office

Contact us

Contact & Location
1902 Montezuma Road
Pueblo, CO 81003

Monday through Thursday
7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

District 60 Work Control Center
(719) 549-7201

Chris Coulter
Executive Director of Facilities
(719) 549-7206