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Water Testing Information: 2023

In June 2022, Governor Polis signed into law Colorado House Bill 22-1358: Clean Water in Schools and Child Care Centers. This bill requires all licensed childcare programs and public schools to test their drinking water for lead and take action when results show levels of lead at or above 5 parts per billion (ppb). The goal of this law is to lower children’s exposure to lead. To meet these requirements, Pueblo D60 will begin testing for lead in drinking and cooking water in March 2023.

Lead is a toxic metal that is especially harmful to young children. The degree of risk depends on the child’s total exposure to lead from all environmental sources – air, soil, dust, food, paint, consumer products, and water. Typically, old or corroded lead plumbing or old brass fixtures can contribute to increased lead levels in drinking water. If you are concerned about your child’s exposure, you can have their blood tested. Please contact your health provider to learn more about testing your child’s blood for lead. For more information please visit:

Schools/childcare facilities that have lead results in drinking water above 5 parts per billion (ppb) must take action to reduce exposure to lead. When lead is found at or above 5 ppb, the fixture is shut off while a more long-term solution is underway. These solutions may include permanently removing the fixture from service, designating a fixture as “not for drinking”, replacing drinking water faucets or fountains, or installing filters. For the fixtures where lead is found below 5 ppb, we will follow routine practices to further lower potential exposure.

As testing is completed, Pueblo D60 will post the test results, along with the remediation steps taken to provide the safest water possible to our students and staff.

When available, test results will be published below.

The health and safety of your child are paramount to us. Please contact your healthcare provider if you have health concerns. If you have any questions about the testing or results, please contact