Pueblo School District 60
School Psychologists
School psychologists work with individual students and groups of students to deal with behavioral problems, academic difficulties, disabilities, and other issues. They also work with teachers and parents to develop techniques to deal with home and classroom behavior.
What school psychologists do:
- School Psychologist may consult with teachers in regards to the general classroom management of children with learning and/or behavior problems. School Psychologist may provide in-service education for teachers and administrators when requested.
- School Psychologist attends special education staffings to assist in the development of an Individual Education Program (IEP) that will support qualifying students with academic, intellectual, medical, social/emotional and behavioral disabilities.
- School Psychologist may provide access skills training to students and school staff members. School Psychologist may consult with teachers in regards to the general classroom management of children with learning and/or behavior problems.
- School Psychologist may consult with teachers in regards to the general classroom management of children with learning and/or behavior problems. School Psychologist may provide in-service education for teachers and administrators when requested.
- School Psychologist may provide short term counseling to students with social, emotional or behavioral concerns. School Psychologist is a member of the school district’s Problem Solving Teams (Response to Intervention, RtI). This multi-tier approach is utilized for early identification and support of students with learning and behavior needs.
- School Psychologist will conduct Functional Behavior Assessments to identify the function of a student’s behavior to incorporate a variety of techniques and strategies when developing effective Behavior Intervention Plan.