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District 60 Communications

The Pueblo School District 60 Communications Office is responsible for communications advice, counsel, training and planning, media relations, external, internal, and crisis communications, special events, speech writing, the district website, video production, graphics, and printing. The Communications Office aligns all projects with the district's Strategic Plan, seeking to find the most cost-efficient way to communicate to a multitude of the public.

Media inquiries

For the news media, the Communications Office is your primary source for all inquiries and support. We prepare and distribute news releases and media advisories, research and respond to your queries, set up interviews and as applicable, and act as organizational spokespersons. Our objective is to support you and your organization's news needs with the intent of receiving fair, objective, and factual coverage of Pueblo School District 60. We appreciate your support and cooperation in initially working through this department.

During regular work hours (Monday through Thursday, 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.), please call (719) 549-7187.

CORA (Open Records) Requests

In accordance with the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA), Pueblo School District 60 is happy to assist with requests for public records.

In responding to a request for the district’s public records, the district may charge a fee for staff time spent in excess of one hour for the following: researching and retrieving the requested records; conducting searches for requested records; reviewing records to determine whether they are responsive to the request; identifying and separating those records that are not public and/or are privileged or confidential; photocopying, scanning or printing records; and other activities required to locate the records and make them accessible to the person requesting the records. Such fee shall be $41.37 per hour, which may be increased from time to time as permitted by applicable state law. The district may also charge other reasonable fees in responding to a request for the district’s public records, in accordance with the accompanying regulation.

Under CORA, the District has three business days (not including the date the request is received) to make the record available for review to the requestor. Sometimes an extension is necessary if the requested information will take longer than three days to complete. In this case, the requestor would be notified of the request for an extension.

Requests should be as detailed as possible including date, type of record, etc. To request a public record under CORA, contact Dalton Sprouse, Director of Communications in writing by email at


Social Media Policy
Pueblo School District No. 60 uses social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Vimeo) to further the mission and vision of the District and regards social media as an extension of the District’s educational mission including the promotion of respectful and thoughtful civic discourse. The District uses social media to communicate information concerning the District and its schools, including school-sponsored events, programs, student and staff achievements and recognitions, and other school-related subject matters and topics. The District’s use of these sites is restricted to topics and content related to these legitimate educational purposes. The District welcomes comments, questions, and concerns from community members about topics the Board of Education has addressed or is soon to address so long as such commentary or postings are consistent with the District’s educational mission and are suitable for a K-12 educational environment and audience. Users are responsible for the content of their messages.

The District’s social media sites are regularly monitored to ensure that when postings or commentary are enabled, users are limited to discussing matters furthering the purposes detailed above and that such postings or commentary are organized in a manner that enhances navigation. When there is an opportunity for non-school persons to post on the District’s social media sites, the District may restrict or delete comments or posts that are:

  • Not topically related to the District’s posts
  • Expressed in a manner that is not suitable for a K-12 audience or inconsistent with the District’s educational mission of promoting and modeling respectful civic discourse for all our students 

Any comments expressed on District social media sites in response to District content, including but not limited to photos, graphics, links, and content on other linked internet sites, do not reflect the opinions, positions, or endorsements of the District, its directors, or staff.

Users who violate these guidelines may also be denied access to Pueblo School District No. 60 social media sites.

Meet the Team

Contact Us

Dalton Sprouse
Director of Communications

Richard Reeder
Broadcasting Communications Coordinator

Jon Pompia
Communications and Social Media Manager

D60 Newsroom

School Choice Informational Flyer

The School Choice Lottery Window for the 2025-26 school year opens at 8 a.m. Monday, January 13, giving families the best chance of winning a seat for their children in a preferred District school.

  • all
A young student points to a wall covered in colorful papers on a wall

At Fountain International Magnet School, students are dedicated to embodying the values of the International Baccalaureate program as they work diligently to complete their IB Passports – and earn prizes as a result.

  • fountain