Business Services
The Pueblo School District 60 Division of Business Services consists of the following departments – budget, accounting, procurement & distribution, and warehouse and facility management. Business Services provides leadership regarding the administration of District policies and procedures relative to financial planning, operations, and information management.
The Division strives for the most efficient use of available resources, as well as the development or enhancement of appropriate additional revenue sources in pursuit of the District's educational objectives. Its operating philosophy emphasizes providing services to schools and instructional programs, long-term operational and financial planning, preparation and communication of timely and accurate information, and an action orientation in support of the District mission.
Contact Information
Lana Niehans
Chief Financial Officer
Kassandra Naylon
Executive Assistant
Pueblo School District 60
315 W. 11th Street
Pueblo, CO 81003
PHONE: 719-549-7100
FAX: 719-549-7114