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Volunteer in Pueblo's Schools (VIPS)

Become a volunteer for Pueblo School District 60 and help make this year the best year ever for a child!

Your partnership with our District will open a way for all children to learn, lead and serve to their full potential now and in the future.


Background Check Procedures for Pueblo School District 60 Volunteers

As stated in School Board Policy IJOC, school volunteers provide an invaluable service by supporting district instructional programs and extra curricular activities. The purpose of the Pueblo School District 60 volunteer program, VIPS, shall be to:

  1. Assist employees in providing more individualization and enrichment of instruction.
  2. Build an understanding of school programs among interested citizens, thus stimulating widespread involvement in total education process.
  3. Strengthen school/community relations through positive participation.


Volunteering with our students is not a right, but a privilege.  Assuring as much as possible the well-being of our children in their learning environment is the paramount consideration of background checks.  The following procedure is used in making background checks for volunteers:

  • The volunteer applicant submits an electronic Volunteer Application/Agreement for the VIPS Coordinator's approval.
  • The application is processed through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation website at the District's expense.
  • The VIPS Coordinator notifies the appropriate principal(s) of the names of individuals that have been approved or denied to work as a volunteer.  No other information is released.
  • Volunteer application approval status is available at the school.
  • No volunteer applicants convicted of a crime involving unlawful sexual behavior or unlawful behavior with children on their records will be approved, per Policy IJOC.
  • Falsification of applications will constitute an automatic denial of the volunteer privilege.
  • The District reserves the right to decline applications for any reason.
  • The decision by the District concerning an individual's fitness to volunteer shall be final (per Policy IJOC)
  • For volunteering questions, contact the school or 719-549-7178.