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Project Purpose and Impact

Project Purpose and Impact

Employee reading to Sunset Park Elementary student

Known as Project Purpose & Impact, the District’s adopt-a-school program has created many new and innovative partnerships bridging our schools with the community. In its first year, students have benefited in a variety of ways with the support of citizens who have done just about everything to help enhance their learning experience. Half of our schools were adopted last year, and we are actively looking to add more partners for the upcoming school year.

Project Purpose and Impact business partner logos

PPI Businesses and Schools

Centennial High School: Pueblo Economic Development Corp (PEDCO)

Central High School: Koncilja Family

Columbian Elementary: Pueblo Realtors

Corwin International Magnet School: St. Mary-Corwin Hospital

Dutch Clark/Paragon: Flow Right Plumbing and Heating

Fountain Int'l Magnet School: Commissioner Garrison Ortiz

Franklin School of Innovation: Bank of the San Juans

Goodnight School: C&O Window

Heaton Middle School: Mobile Record Shredders

Highland Park: Transportation Technology Center, Inc. (TTCI)

Irving Elementary: Burnie Zercher (ICM)

Minnequa Elementary: Black Hills Energy

Park View Elementary: Pueblo Police Department, Parkview Medical Center

Risley Academy of Innovation: CSU-Pueblo

South High School: Nardini businesses

South Park Elementary: Pewag

Sunset Park Elementary: University Family Medicine Center