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Title I
Bradford Elementary is a Title I school
Why is Bradford a Title I School?
Based on our population of families who qualify for free and reduced lunch, Bradford receives approximately $289K in Title I Federal Funding to support students.
How do Title I funds support Bradford scholars?
Bradford uses Title I funds to purchase academic materials, professional development for teachers, and additional staff such as interventionists and educational assistants to provide small group instruction for reading, writing, and math instruction.
When Parents are involved, research shows:
- Students achieve more regardless of socio-economic status, ethnicity, or parents' educational level.
- The more extensive the parent involvement, the higher the student achievement.
- Students exhibit more positive attitudes and behavior.
- Students have higher graduation rates and enrollment in post-secondary education.
How can parents become involved?
Parents can join our School Accountability and Family Engagement Committees that meet each quarter. These committees provide input for our Title I Compact, family engagement activities, and other school decisions.
Who should I contact to join the School Accountability Committee or Family Engagement Committee?
Please contact Principal Padilla, or the Dean of Students, Ms. Masciotra, if you are interested in joining these committees.
- Parents of all children in all Title 1 schools have the right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of their children's classroom teachers.
- Whether the teacher has met state qualifying and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher is teaching.
- Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or another provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived.
- The baccalaureate degree major of the teacher, and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, including the field of discipline of the certification or degree.
- Whether the child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications