• What is a Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)?
    A PTO is a formal organization that consists of parents, teachers, and school staff.   We support the volunteerism of parents, encouragement of teachers and students, community involvement, and welfare of students and families.


    What is the difference between a PTO and  PTA?
    They are similar in that both promote parent participation, but a PTA takes a more active role in developing programs, advocacy, and training. PTA operates at the school building, district, state, and national levels and works on policy to better support children. Local PTA units set their own goals and missions, but they also join together to advocate and partner as a larger group. PTA is membership-based and uses money from dues to offer staff support and grants and to develop national programs. A PTO is unaffiliated, local and does not pay dues to a national umbrella organization.


    Who can join the PTO at Highland Park?
    Anyone who supports the educational goals of our school and is concerned with the welfare of our students. Parents, guardians, relatives, teachers, community members, alumni, etc. 


    How much does it cost to belong to the PTO?
    Nothing. So mark your calendars to attend our next meeting and get involved! Attend to make sure we are being good stewards and spending wisely for the greater good of the Highland Park student body.